Saturday 28 June 2008

Whale of a time

The day started cloudless and sunny and it was like that all day.

We went out this morning on the Prince of Whales Zodiac. Unfortunately the Orca Pods were too far out for us to get to them. We did however come across a humpbacked whale. It was probably a young one and gave us quite a chase and it surfaced very briefly and then disappeared only to surface way away from where it had been previously.
Rita proved to be a natural at whale spotting and she is hoping to find a job on Japanese whaler. We never got really close but I got a few good photographs, although one was a fluke. The boat captain got out his fishing net and brought up some krill that were swarming all around our boat and why the humpback was there.

We also saw a bald eagle, seals and an elephant seal. All in all it was a very good trip out.

Tomorrow we are catching the ferry back to Vancouver to pick up the car.

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